
The Board Stichting Gambia Sport Sponsoring

Jan Vermeulen

Chairman and founder of the foundation

E-mail address:

Having been an international truck driver I have over the years visited many different countries. After retiring, my wife and I went regularly on vacation. In the meantime it is now 7 years since we first travelled to Gambia.

Despite their poverty what really opened our eyes there was the friendliness and thankfulness of the Gambian people. In 2009 we decided to start a foundation with the objective of helping schools with educational material, football clubs with sporting uniforms and building a football academy.

Rob LaRondelle kleinRob LaRondelle


E-mail address: Secretaris Gambia Sport

Rob La Rondelle is de naam, geboren in Rotterdam en aanhanger van Feyenoord wat sportief gezien in Eindhoven geen probleem is. Een groene schoolopleiding gehad met als beroep bloembinder. Later via de havenvakschool een geheel andere richting uitgegaan en werkzaam geweest in havens van diverse steden. Internationaal chauffeur en op andere terreinen werkzaam geweest in Zweden, Duitsland en Spanje. In 2004 met het gezin neergestreken in Eindhoven, waar ik Jan en Nettie Vermeulen heb leren kennen waar uit een warme vriendschap is ontstaan. Door beiden ben ik met Stichting Gambia Sport bekend geworden. Omdat de secretaris Ian Janssen door privé omstandigheden zijn secretariaat ter beschikking stelde, kwam de vraag van Jan of ik interesse had in die taak. Voor mij was het de kans om de Stichting te helpen. Ik heb daarom de taak als secretaris bij stichting Gambia Sport aanvaardt.

Persoonlijk hoop ik in de toekomst ook een trip te maken naar Gambia om alles eens zelf  te kunnen aanschouwen. Hopende dat ook ik een positief steentje kan bijdragen.

Nettie Tompson 


In the past I have worked with great pleasure as a caterer for a company’s restaurant. After a vacation in Gambia, my heart was stolen by the people and especially the children of Gambia.

In my role as treasurer of our foundation I hope to be able to contribute my fair share in the realization of our dreams of
founding a nursery school and football academy by generating financial support.

Wil van Vroonhoven  

Board member I

As well as having been the owner of a medium to large electronic installation and Advice Company, I have been active
in the running of similar branch organizations. (Employers association Uneto (nowUneto-VNI), Chamber of commerce, Water management Brabant and Board of Advice from PNEM).

In my free time I have been a member of diverse church boards including the affiliated “Foundation Don Bosco” which
coordinates the use of a community centre. It was there that I first made acquaintance with our Chairman Jan Vermeulen. Because of Jan, I became interested in Foundation Gambia Sport Sponsoring and have been able to contribute to the professionalizing of the foundation. A noteworthy result has been the attribution of the foundations ANBI status.


Ian Janssen

Board member II

My name is Ian Janssen and I was born and bred “Downunder” (in Australia). 20 years ago I first travelled to The Netherlands, travelled around Europe and fell in love. In the meantime my Dutch wife and I have three children. I am 47 years old and live and work in Eindhoven (the birthplace of my father). For the past 8 years I have been a football coach with the Woenselse Boys football club. That’s where I first made acquaintance with our Chairman Jan Vermeulen and board member Tinus Bogmans. I admired greatly the work they performed for foundation Gambia Sport Sponsoring. I hope that in my role as member of the board I can help the foundation accomplish its goals.