Bedankt vanuit Gambia

Bedankjes die bij ons binnen komen vanuit Gambia

“Alle ingezonden brieven en bijdragen zijn voor rekening van de schrijver. Stichting Gambia Sport Sponsoring  draagt hierover geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid.”

Hello Yankuba,                                                                          Gambia,  7 Mei 2014

Once again we would like to thank you for your support. we also want you to know that we are doing best with the jerseys and the balls. Everyone of the players is most grateful of your support.

Before your support came we use obstacles to train because the materials were not enough to conduct good training session. And now we are training more than ever. IMG_0841

For sure with your support we are going to be champions in where ever we compite. Hope to see more of your generosity.

The relationship between Yankuba and Jafaye FC is ever lasting.

Thanks for all

Omar Yammeh



 Busumbala 2-5-2014                                                                     Dear Yankuba,

Feature star is here by congratulating you for assisting them. This gift that you donate to feature stare will build a strong relationship between you and the team as well. We are happy with you. May God gives you a happy family. May God gives you good health and long life. May God replace this with something more than these. IMG_0964 IMG_0965

Our relationship will be a brotherly relationship by the great of God thank you !thank you! Thank you ! !!!.


This team has been looking for help for four years(4) since the team was form but no help like you did. But thank God we have help from you .That is why I cannot use the materials without thanking you for making our dream coming true. And making our voice so much so stronger in sport.

In did we are hoping that you will never forget us. As for any development there must be a stepping stone ,because ,development itself is a gradual thing in life which cannot take place without a help from the right source .

Beside, Base on our own physical and , mental care we promise you that we will make the best use of the materials.

Moreover , this will be a great achievement for the name of my team to go high and high .

If I want to saw my heart condo lent of joy ,I will write a full book without a completion . I will hope much from your favor to ward my team.

I will like to be communicating to you through my this email.

Thank you so much I wish to hear from you.

Feature star

Busumbala village  –  At tingtingbato.


 Gambia 20-2-2013  Hello Yankuba,

Its give me great pleasure and admiration to write to you on be half of the our football academy.
I am the new academy secretary of Gift Of Nema Football Academy (GONFA). Mustapha and the
rest of the coaching staffs told me about your contribution towards our football academy.

He also told the possibility of looking for a better name for our football academy which we would be more than happy to do.
He also ask me to attached this pictures and sent it to you because it would be of real use to you,attached is the pictures. About our email address we have chosen to make it short since many people say the full name of the academy is too long and thanks to your advice with mustapha we have now decided to make it short see it below.
We are also looking forward to your arrival in 2013 and visiting our academy again and it would be a pleasure for me to meet you online for the first time too. Let me stop her for now and do let me know if you need any info or document from us i would be more than happy to sent it to you.

Yours faithfully,

Mustapha Jallow

P.O. Box 1811 Banjul Post Office Nemakunku Village,

The Gambia, West Africa

4-2-2013               Hi, Yankuba

I was told about you by a friend called Kalipha Kanteh in Siffoe Village. He later gave me your web site address and your Email as well, But to be quiet honest i was astonished by your support to the needy people in the Gambia. At first i thought this was all about sport but following developments on the webpage i came to realized that you are engaged in even bigger projects than that, I was amazed by your support to the Educational Sector as well. As a Gambian with desire to venture into sport development through the creation of football academy which was the reason that brought Kalipha and I so close, I believed I can soly believe that we all can join into this noble cause though with very little to offer in terms of material or financial resources to give our moral sport to help you achieve many more success. Thanks once again for all your support to the Gambia and to the Gambian youths in particular.

Abdul Karim Darboe.

16-12-2012         Hello Yankuba

I  hope you reached safely and i know  you have settle down now. We too we are here training hard with the boys. We will  be updating you regularly.

This photo we are sending was a Academy Tournament  we played at Manjai and now we are called JVC Academy as you told us.

And we  here praying for you and we know in April the academy will be happy. Hope to
hear from you. I text you hope you received It.

Manager, JVC Football Academy



Big thanks to Yankuba he has been supportive since day one rally behind his team and has done tremendous things for this football club encouragement,giving out jerseys,footballs etc Yankuba we so grateful to you and behave of the entire team we saying big thanks to you looking forward to see you in the friday victory inshallah. Yankuba thank you so very much…………..

Lamin Camara

21-1-2011     Hi yankuba,

Sory for the delay in writing. i was ill . i have got malaria,but thank god i am ok now.
Our Team has came third in the league,and we are very pleased for the support you have rendered for us. the football shirt and the bibs contributed alot for the team.many thanks onceagain.
Well our team is very proud of the new name Eindhoven FC and we also proudly choose you as the father and the new general manager of the team.
Pls as we told you earlier ,we need some more help ,like footballs ,shirts,bibs and financial.We wish you good health and we are longing to meet you again,

Ian, manger Eindhoven FC.

Dear Yankuba,

Gambia 28-9-2010,  I am very happy to email you, telling you that i thank you for the surprise and all the things you have done for me (Lamin the lifeguards at Palm Beach) and my football team Lamin Wayeto F.C. in Lamin Village. How are you and your family? How was your flight back to Holland? I hope everything went smooth. On Saturday 25th September, 2010 Lamin Wayeto F.C. played against another team in a football tournament and the scores were 2-2.

Greetings from Momodou Lamin Jammeh

Brief van Perry Wanink 26-6-2010

Beste mensen,

Tijdens onze vakantie in Gambia in waren we in hotel Palm Beach. Daar kwamen wij in gesprek met Saikou Camara, kelner in het restaurant, over zijn team dat door jullie Stichting is aangekleed.

Wij zijn met hem op een zaterdagmiddag mee geweest om zijn team te bewonderen, het zijn allemaal jongens onder de 18 jaar. Omdat ik zelf scheidsrechter ben sprak mij dit enorm aan.

Wat is men trots en enthousiast. Ik stuur je hierbij enkele foto’s waarop je ziet dat de kleding nog steeds in gebruik is. Wij wilden jullie graag deelgenoot maken van onze ervaring, en geven de Stichting Gambia Sport een groot compliment. Hetgeen jullie doen voor de jeugd in Gambia is gewoon geweldig.

Perry en Elly Wanink Lelystad

Brief van Miranda Moolenaar d.d.29-5-2010

Beste Jan,

We hebben een supertijd in Gambia gehad!! Helaas waren er wat problemen met onze container, we hebben niet alles kunnen doen wat we wilden, de container was er pas 2 dagen voor ons vertrek terug naar Nederland.

Wel hebben we een superleuke middag gehad met de kinderen in Basse Santa Su. Dit is een stadje in het oosten van Gambia. We hebben een 3-daagse trip naar het binnenland gemaakt om daar een landbouwproject te bekijken van een collega van ons werk in Nederland. In een dorp naast Basse is onlangs een voetbal competitie opgestart waarbij de kinderen van de verschillende compounds tegen elkaar spelen.

Een van de compounds hebben wij verblijd met jullie kleding, ze waren er super blij mee. Het is geweldig wat jullie voor de kinderen doen, in een woord klasse !! In de bijlage enkele foto’s van het 10-tal.

Met vriendelijke groetjes, Miranda

Kotu 25 juni 2010       Hi Yankuba,

Its lovely to hear from you.sorry for my delay in writing. i have travel to the country side with my uncle and didnt have the oppotunity to send you an email,as there was no electricity neither a computer,ha,ha,.,,,but am happy that i am back in good health. it was too warm there.i ahve explained your kind hearted help to the team ,and we are very much delighted and happy about your generous support. well sir, ias i told you earlier our problems are payments of registeration fees,transport for the players during matches,and campings of meetings ..and also if possible shoes….but the most important is the football shirts and that you have already got for us. Ooh yankuba i wish you know how happy we are feeling .we really are grateful and happy.many thanks to you and your family.Wishing you success and happy live.
Remain blessed and thanks,

Gambia 4-4-2010            Hi Yankuba,

How are you and the rest of your family members and friends living with you i was so happy to see you text messenge in my mobile that was really so nice, i am so eager to see you in penyem the gambia and all the village is also expecting you i hope this time you will enjoy your journey so much. i am staying in the town so if you do not mind you can contact me when you arrive in the gambia so that we can come together to the village.
warm greeting from mamadou jallow and the entire villageof penyem looking forward to see you soon.any news please sent me messenge through my phone number because that the fastest has i told you am not frequentlt with computer and intenet now.

Greetings from Mamadouw Yallouw

Hello Yankuba,
This is the people of penyem village writing to you,and my name is mamadou jallow assistant secretary to the sport committee.onbehalf of the penyem youths and sport development committee wishes to wish you and all your counter part a merry christmas and a happy new year in advance we pray to God to give you long life and good health because you have being so kind to the peopel of the gambia especially the penyem people so we will always remember you for the rest of our life.and we pray that you have another return to the Gambia again because you so instrumental in term of developing sport in our village you efforts and gift are higly appreciated by the entire community of penyem.we are all looking forward to hear from you.all the best from.
The Penyem Youths And Sport Development committee And The Whole Villager,Bye…..